Tuesday 5 July 2016

Suggestion for Family Photo

The following is a message to everyone from Cynthia Coyle (Michael's sister) who will be travelling from British Columbia to PEI for the reunion. She has an idea for a family photo that would involve anyone interested wearing a particular colour scheme. Please read on...

Hello MP Hogan Descendants,

In another month we will ‘descend’ upon the Island and gather to celebrate our heritage and exchange family stories and just have a nice visit together. 

I have an idea to propose.  It is completely optional!!! 

On the afternoon of our gathering at MP’s house (26 Prince Street), I would like to propose for those who are interested, that we have a bit of a theme in our attire for a nice, memorable family photo.   We can take the photo outside in the front of MP’s house.

We can certainly take many photos so this is just one that I would like to create. 

If you are interested, I would like to suggest that we wear soft summer colors.  I was thinking of white, beige/cream and light or pale blue.  It does not have to be formal or dressy unless that is what you choose for yourself.   A pair of faded jeans would fit in fine.  So it is not about dressing up so much as coordinating with each other in the photo.  

I have read a bit about these photo ideas – and two other suggestions are to wear something with sleeves – short or long, and wear a solid color rather than a print. 

No pressure and you do not have to participate – did I already say that J

Thanks everyone – see you soon !!

 Cynthia Coyle