Saturday 9 July 2016

Photo Information

PLEASE READ!! Here is a second letter from Cynthia Coyle regarding photographs to be taken by a professional photographer on Friday, August 5th.

July 7, 2016

Hello again Hogan relatives,

I have been in touch with a photographer as I thought that it might be nice to have some good photographs taken to remember our time together.  These will be taken on August 5th at MP’s house.

I will go ahead and book the photographer for at least a brief shoot; which will include a photo of our large group and a photo of the groups connected to each of Rufus’ children (as well as any group related from a different branch – about 15 photos).

For a larger fee ($400.00) the photographer will stay longer and do more photos.   He would then give us free access to the above photos and more up to 40 in total.  Any others that anyone wanted beyond the 40 would have to be purchased at $25.00 a piece.  

I just wanted to give you the opportunity to weigh in on what you would like.  If you would like to have more photos done – with the basic ones being the ones mentioned above, perhaps those interested could contribute and we can make it happen.  

If 20 people contribute $20.00 each we have the fee covered fully.  I can also cover a larger portion (since it is my idea and desire) and then offset the rest of the cost with whatever people can contribute.  

Please let me know what you would like fairly soon as I need to book the photographer and let him know the extent that he will be needed.  

No pressure on anyone to contribute – but thought that you might wish to be consulted before I go with the smaller package.  

If it turns out, people would like to contribute and there is a little money left over, it can go towards any needs during the events ( if that is okay with all )

