Thursday 11 August 2016


What an amazing weekend!

We are so glad so many of you made the trek to PEI to celebrate our Hogan family roots.

Please stay in touch and be sure to share photos and family stories to bring our history alive.

Hogan Family Reunion participants on the steps of St. Dunstan's Basilica, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada Saturday, August 6, 2016

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Experience PEI and Do's and Don'ts

The "Experience PEI" page on this blog has some must-do/must-see suggestions for your visit to PEI. The "Do's and Don'ts" page has just that: some do's and don'ts while you are on our island.

Keep checking back as more ideas are added.

Cavendish Beach, July 2015

Saturday 9 July 2016

Photo Information

PLEASE READ!! Here is a second letter from Cynthia Coyle regarding photographs to be taken by a professional photographer on Friday, August 5th.

July 7, 2016

Hello again Hogan relatives,

I have been in touch with a photographer as I thought that it might be nice to have some good photographs taken to remember our time together.  These will be taken on August 5th at MP’s house.

I will go ahead and book the photographer for at least a brief shoot; which will include a photo of our large group and a photo of the groups connected to each of Rufus’ children (as well as any group related from a different branch – about 15 photos).

For a larger fee ($400.00) the photographer will stay longer and do more photos.   He would then give us free access to the above photos and more up to 40 in total.  Any others that anyone wanted beyond the 40 would have to be purchased at $25.00 a piece.  

I just wanted to give you the opportunity to weigh in on what you would like.  If you would like to have more photos done – with the basic ones being the ones mentioned above, perhaps those interested could contribute and we can make it happen.  

If 20 people contribute $20.00 each we have the fee covered fully.  I can also cover a larger portion (since it is my idea and desire) and then offset the rest of the cost with whatever people can contribute.  

Please let me know what you would like fairly soon as I need to book the photographer and let him know the extent that he will be needed.  

No pressure on anyone to contribute – but thought that you might wish to be consulted before I go with the smaller package.  

If it turns out, people would like to contribute and there is a little money left over, it can go towards any needs during the events ( if that is okay with all )



Tuesday 5 July 2016

Suggestion for Family Photo

The following is a message to everyone from Cynthia Coyle (Michael's sister) who will be travelling from British Columbia to PEI for the reunion. She has an idea for a family photo that would involve anyone interested wearing a particular colour scheme. Please read on...

Hello MP Hogan Descendants,

In another month we will ‘descend’ upon the Island and gather to celebrate our heritage and exchange family stories and just have a nice visit together. 

I have an idea to propose.  It is completely optional!!! 

On the afternoon of our gathering at MP’s house (26 Prince Street), I would like to propose for those who are interested, that we have a bit of a theme in our attire for a nice, memorable family photo.   We can take the photo outside in the front of MP’s house.

We can certainly take many photos so this is just one that I would like to create. 

If you are interested, I would like to suggest that we wear soft summer colors.  I was thinking of white, beige/cream and light or pale blue.  It does not have to be formal or dressy unless that is what you choose for yourself.   A pair of faded jeans would fit in fine.  So it is not about dressing up so much as coordinating with each other in the photo.  

I have read a bit about these photo ideas – and two other suggestions are to wear something with sleeves – short or long, and wear a solid color rather than a print. 

No pressure and you do not have to participate – did I already say that J

Thanks everyone – see you soon !!

 Cynthia Coyle

Monday 4 July 2016

Plans finalized...

With just one month to go until the Hogan Reunion, the itinerary has been finalized:

Friday August 5th   
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Meet, greet and see the M. P. Hogan home built in 1886 and restored over the past ten years. Lots of family memorabilia and stories to share with all.

Saturday August 6th
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - Hogan mass at St. Dunstan’s Basilica
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Walking tour of Charlottetown with particular emphasis on what life was like when the Hogan’s came to the Island in 1875 and various buildings built by M. P. Hogan. Walk led by Catherine Hennessey, author of The Landscapes of Confederation.

Sunday August 7th
1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (although could go later!) - Garden party with live Island music at the Kenny’s home in Stratford (five mins from downtown Charlottetown).

Monday, August 8th
Optional trip to Brule, Nova Scotia to see where the Hogan’s landed in 1825 and see the Hogan cemetery.

This will leave lots of time for you to explore the Island and experience our way of life. There's no better time to visit PEI than in the summer -- there's SO much going on!

When you arrive, you MUST pick up a copy of The Buzz, PEI's guide to arts, culture, and entertainment. Not only is it an informative publication, but it's absolutely FREE!!! Check it out on-line at The Buzz, and start planning the rest of your visit.

Have a look at the PEI Visitor's Guide as well. You can view it online or download it. Print copies can be requested, however, with the possibility of a postal strike, your best bet is to view it on your computer.

We have something for everyone: live theatre and musical theatre; traditional Irish, Scottish, and Acadian music; classical music; art galleries; community and Provincial museums; amusement parks; shops with pottery and other Island-made crafts; kayak, paddle board, and bicycle rentals; golf courses; yoga studios, including hot yoga; movie theatres (a Cineplex Odeon and an independent theatre); a farmer's market (Wednesdays and Saturdays in Charlottetown); beaches (you have to pay to go to National Park beaches with amenities, but there are lots of others that are free); lobster suppers; beautiful scenery to enjoy and photograph; and the list goes on and on.

See you soon!

Friday 25 September 2015

Register now for the August 2016 reunion...

M. P. Hogan's house, 26 Prince Street, Charlottetown, PEI

Grand opening of the house after extensive restoration

Dear Hogan relatives,

Over the past couple of years there has been a burgeoning desire to hold a family reunion on PEI and many have expressed interest in attending on a Facebook page that had been created for this purpose. This website/blog purpose is to register participants, share information, ask questions and receive answers, as well reveal to each other to little known facts about our ancestors. Hopefully this will make the thought of joining us in Charlottetown that much more intriguing. As well, it may be more accessible for family members who are not Facebook users.

We have booked a light itinerary over three days with an optional fourth day to allow people a lot of free time to spend with each other outside of the programming or do other things in the Maritimes not on our calendar.

The family’s first of two notable historians were Caryl Hogan born in 1880 in California and daughter of John Hogan of Brule Nova Scotia, the family’s landing spot in Canada. Thanks to the efforts of Deanna Belyavski (Dolan), daughter of FlorenceHogan/Dolan we were able to secure Caryl’s letters, memorabilia and photographs collected over her lifetime. The other historian was Dorothy Hogan/Coyle of Charlottetown whose files reside on the island with Elizabeth Driscoll, daughter of Dorothy. All of these will be available to see at the family get together at 26 Prince Street on the first day of reunion. We will endeavor to post pieces of these files on this blog over the next year leading up to the event. As well Rosemary Driscoll (creator of the website) has edited a paper she wrote years ago that is posted on this site to give you a synopsis of our Hogan family history.

My wife Susan and I purchased M.P.Hogan’s family home built in 1886 ten years ago assisted by Kier Kenny, another Hogan relative on the Island. The home is full of family heirlooms and paintings of the family by Elizabeth Driscoll including a life size statue of Mary Elizabeth Hogan, M.P.’s wife that Elizabeth created. We look forward to hosting you all in the family home to kick this off and get all completely immersed in family stories and history.

We have access to some significant Island experts on buildings that will be able to tell us more about M.P. Hogan and his family and the time they lived in during a walking tour of Charlottetown. When you read the family history here on the site you will get a deeper understanding of what you will see.

As well the Kenny family will host a family picnic at St. Peters that is sure to be fun. They may even be able to convince a fiddle player or two to show up.

Lastly, for those wanting a day trip, we will drive to Brule, Nova Scotia ( about a two hour drive) to see the Hogan family cemetery and where they landed in 1825.

Please register by clicking on the "Registration" tab above. All registration information will be kept private and will be managed by Rosemary Driscoll and me.

All for now,

Michael Coyle